Bonus outfits do not require the main avatars to work and be uploaded
watch 3d model
Zeus Luma
✔ PRISM Lab option available with PSD files and texture baker.
⦿ QUEST version not included, but the avatar is compatible with Zeus's QUEST version (available in its free download) for cross-platform compatibility.
✔ Customization shapes for face and body.
✘ Avatar base and NSFW not included.
✘ Clothing not toggable.
✔ FBX model with textures and an alternative skin
✔ SDK3 functions with Radial menu and HUD
The pack includes:
VRC-ready avatar unity pack with visemes, eye animation, HUD, hand gestures and physbones.
FBX file of the rigged model with more than 150 blendshapes including expressions and visemes. Each version of the model is under 70k polys.
Texture pack for an alternate skin
Requirements for uploading to VRChat:
This avatar has a PRISM version available, which also includes Layered PSD texture files for even more customization.
Examples of customization: